lunes, noviembre 09, 2009


Siempre he querido hacer algo para que la gente recuerde quien fui realmente.
Nacemos, Vivimos, Morimos, y algunos solo desaparecen y son olvidados.
he extrañado a tantas personas y tal vez nunca lo sabrán. Trato de Significar, de dejar huella en alguien
no sé como ni para qué. tal vez solo quiero saber que se siente.
soy un tipo solitario, mi nombre es Rubén, y tal vez estos sean los últimos días de mi vida.

--La grabación se corta.

The Ruben Tel Aviv Tapes. part 1

sábado, junio 06, 2009

jueves, marzo 26, 2009

La carretera es fria y me levanto sin recuerdos…

por què chingados no puedo concentrarme en hacer lo que tengo que hacer?

por qué chingados dura tan poco la noche? :S

bueno, estas chingaderas las recupere de mi antiguo blog en y pues apestan, transpiran tiamat-katatonia-y algo màs jajajaja

The most beautiful time of day its the dawn and the dusk when the sun it's going down.

I hope that you think of me…

I wonder if you dream of me…

Because am spending lonely nights, maybe i just have got forgotten, have I forget myself too? I dont know, am confused, where have I been? I don't really want to know. I'm trying to find yourself before the sunlight comes, but it's hard.

But, They can't change the way the things are now, I might be wrong… and am walking alone. I will put it all away from me, am trying to be someone else, just for tonight and walk away from all the wrong I've done.

Tonight you can paint the sky any color you like, as long as is dark.

Tonight you can promise that we can stay together, even if you are not here.

But, I can't change the way the things are now, and how did they were before? am losing myself as the stars are still shining brigth. I feel cold but am free, getting away of the pain I felt yesterday, that i think it's gone, as the day…

Tonight my eyes are looking for new colors, its time to look further than i have ever do. Its a different kind of dream…

I clearly realize that you're that light which I gaze

You will leadme somewhere…

Once I saw you, I know… This night belongs to you

Do blame your dreams, or whatever it means to be yourself, there's no way, nothing is as easy as it seems, and you can wait, how long?

Do blame to your dreams , them would know the distance, and how cold the path it's going to be.

This will take a while, then you'll start to float, until you can see, from another point, far from yourself, the lights that now are blinding your glance. The gaze that knows what have been and what will change.

Face the lights, they are different now and shine in another color…

…And they do spread to where your darkness and solitude reflects them.

in your gaze, the lights are part of. now the light is in your eyes and, it's time to illuminate this cold dawn.

and with the dusk, your dreams will come back.

To leave it's the hardest thing to do, when you're going to miss something or someone.

He expects he don't disappear, at all, for someone at least…

and he's leaving this place, and can't retain the tears in his eyes as the sun can't resist to break the night.

but that feeling of solitude it's getting harder with the distance. Yeah, He's alone and with the sadness it's hard to behold the morning sunshine, I guess there's not a lot to say, because it's too much for him to take, maybe he prefers to remain in silence… waiting for something, I hope he don't get lose, even so far away I'll find him.

Nothing of what he said was said with his eyes open, no, no he was never real, he doesn't need to speak because theres nothing more to say, and no one to telling everything that he's carrying inside…

hold his dreams, take care of his dreams because they maybe lost among the lights of dawn

José Francisco Burrola

jueves, marzo 05, 2009

Una Palabra Fuera de Contexto

ya ni habia escrito en este blog, me vuelvo pura procrastinacion, pero chingona jajaja, estoy mal.
necesito un psicologo y es urgente, no me puedo concentrar en nada y pierdo mucho el tiempo

"Y lo sé… creo que me agarró medio la huevilla/depresión pero ya estoy casi de regreso…"

para mas informacion:

Astral Insomnia


hoy hize una instalacion manual de wordpress, y todo salio bien
ahora solo faltan los detalles artisticos, quiero algo asi medio onda new rave jajaja

el messenger me quita mucho tiempo valioso, es un hecho.
me lo prohibiré ma seguido.

por el otro lado, la nueva rola de en Declin "keyword out of context" uh me gusta mucho jejeje
me mandó un mensaje Mao el vocalista :D que chingon jejeje diciendome que iba a postear las letras en el myspace
que gracias por el apoyo
yo le respondi que quiero enviarle artwork, si es que no tienen listo el artwork para el disco, sino que lo pueden usar
en lo que sea, royalty free
el respondio que ok y me dió su correo, para enviarle cosas que tiene curiosidad.
pero me entró panico y felicidad
pues que chingon que si aceptaran mis artwork para el disco, seria un un orgullo para mi.
pero si no lo termino o si no me sale como espero, me voy a frustrar machin.  :S

bueno, ya, tengo que seguir investigando cosas y buscando inspiracion. 

domingo, enero 25, 2009

Open the door and the moon will fall

Conocen los deja vú? acaso no los odian? yo sí
porque siempre que siento un "deja vu" siento culero, porque pienso que algo malo va a pasar
o que la voy a cagar en algo, o cosas asi, chale, quiero sentir rico! jajajaja

bueno, cuestiones tecnologicas y mecadas 2.0:
waa, estube probando ning, y naaa, no conviene, la neta está chido, pero hay cosas que no me gustan, esperaré un clon...
ahora seguire de cerca motion de movable type, parece prometedor aunque es de paga o algo asi, aún no sé mucho.
y ya mero sale la version 1.0 de buddypress.

por cierto xpresshosting actualizo a cpanel 11, está chido.

quisiera concursar para diseñar el artwork para la portada del nuevo disco de aviv geffen, y sentirme confiado de ganar, malo que apenas me enteré y hay poco tiempo para enviar propuestas.
me gustaria diseñar el artwork de el proximo disco de en declin, necesito insistirles en el myspace

tambien quiero ir a esa madre de el barcamp de tequilavalley en queretaro con el yunoman pero no tengo dinero. perdon, pero no somos geeks hijos de papi
mi horoscopo del año tal vez diga algo asi "no mames 2009 es el año cuando podras viajar a muchas partes, pero por pendejo no tienes dinero y ahi te quedas en saucillo puto"

hablando de saucillo y de putos, mayates, jotos, lesbianas, cuarentonas jajajaja el jueves en las palmas se pone chido, parece antro de ambiente y hay morritos chidos, hay que invitar a la comunidad de la region jajajajaja

bueno, eso es todo mijas

minimart. by tebah.
Foto robada sin permiso del flickr de Tebah
está chido el stream de este morrito


lunes, enero 19, 2009


today i feel like i don't know if I'm awake or in some kind of dream
i just need to get some sleep

I'm carrying a heavy burden of thoughts but they are all mixed up inside my head
so i decided to write them down on this blog, so i can give them some kind of order so i can get to list and organize them, and finally to bring them to the real world more easily.

and write about other kind of stuff, it won't be fun to anyone, it is just for me and stalkers
but i hate when it comes to write the stuff i've been thinking on my head, it is really hard for me. so maybe i'll try it for another time.

by the way, this is going to be in english cause it is the way i think of it, and i don't want some people to find out what am doing here

today i met a nice and kissable boy.